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Use of this site, and all documents found on this Site, is/are subject to the following Terms & Conditions. NOT AN ATTORNEY OR A LAW FIRM Online Forms Manager is not your attorney or legal service and do not practice law and do not give legal advice. This site is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship, and by Online Forms Manager no attorney-client relationship will be created with Online Forms Manager. The information provided at this site is provided with the understanding that Online Forms Manager is not engaged in rendering legal or other professional services. This system is provided as a general service over the Internet and should not be construed as specific legal advice for any specific factual situation. The legal information on this site is not legal advice and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date. Because the law changes rapidly, Online Forms Manager cannot guarantee that all the information on the site is completely current. The law is different from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and is also subject to interpretation by different courts. Each person’s situation is unique and when in doubt, or if you have questions, you should contact an attorney in your area. This site and some of the articles on this site contain links to other resources and businesses on the Internet. Those links are provided as citations and aids to help you identify and locate other Internet resources that may be of interest, and are not intended to state or imply that our company sponsors, is affiliated or associated with, or is legally authorized to use any trade name, registered trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may be reflected in the links. NO LEGAL REPRESENTATION Online Forms Manager does not provide you with legal representation of any kind and do not practice law. Online Forms Manager have never made any representations, express or implied, that it is providing you with legal representation or that it practices law. Your use of Online Forms Manager is your acknowledgment that Online Forms Manager do not provide you with legal representation of any kind and that you are completing the documents without legal representation. NOT RETAINING THE SERVICES OF AN ATTORNEY Your use of Online Forms Manager does not mean that you are engaging the services of an attorney or a law. Online Forms Manager has never made any representations, express or implied, that you are engaging the services of an attorney or law firm. Your use of Online Forms Manager is your acknowledgment that you are not engaging the services of an attorney or law firm and that you are completing the Document without engaging the services of an attorney or law firm. NO ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGE CREATED Your use of Online Forms Manager to generate a form does not mean that an attorney-client privilege is created. Online Forms Manager have never made any representations, express or implied, that an attorney-client privilege is created. Your use of Online Forms Manager is your acknowledgment that an attorney-client relationship is not being created and that you are completing the document without an attorney-client relationship being created. Online Forms Manager is not a substitute for legal representation. Online Forms Manager have never made any representations, express or implied, that it is a substitute for legal representation. Your use of Online Forms Manager is your acknowledgment that Online Forms Manager is not a substitute for legal representation. INFORMATION, MATERIALS AND CONTENT FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY The information is provided only for your use, as general information, and is not applicable to any specific set of facts. Online Forms Manager and any content provider or any author has never made any representations, express or implied, that the information, materials and content are provided for anything other than for informational purposes. Your use of Online Forms Manager is your acknowledgment that the information, materials and content is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon by you. INFORMATION, MATERIALS AND CONTENT ARE NOT LEGAL ADVICE Online Forms Manager and any content provider or any material on this site provides information, materials and content for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice and should not be relied upon by you as legal advice. Online Forms Manager have never made any representations, express or implied, that the information, materials and content should be construed as legal advice and relied upon by you as legal advice. Your use of Online Forms Manager is your acknowledgment that the information, materials and content is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice and should not be relied upon by you as legal advice. NOT RENDERING LEGAL ADVICE Online Forms Manager and any content provider or any author, is not rendering legal advice. Online Forms Manager and any content provider or any author has never made any representations, express or implied, that it is rendering legal advice. Your use of this site is your acknowledgment that Online Forms Manager and any content provider or any author is not rendering legal advice. INFORMATION, MATERIALS AND CONTENT ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR LEGAL ADVICE The information, materials and content provided here should not be relied upon by you as a substitute for legal advice. Online Forms Manager have never made any representations, express or implied, that the information, materials and content provided are a substitute for legal advice and should be relied upon by you as a substitute for legal advice. Your use of Online Forms Manager is your acknowledgment that the information, materials and content provided by Online Forms Manager and any content provider or any author should not be relied upon by you as a substitute for legal advice. INFORMATION, MATERIALS AND CONTENT MAY CONTAIN ERRORS AND OMISSIONS Online Forms Manager and any content provider and any author has attempted to ensure that no errors or omissions exist in the information, material and content provided. However, Online Forms Manager and any content provider or any author do not promise, warranty, or guarantee that the information, materials or content provided do not contain errors or omissions. Your use of Online Forms Manager is your acknowledgment that Online Forms Manager and any content provider or any author do not promise, warranty, or guarantee that no errors or omissions exist. ATTORNEY MAY BE REQUIRED As with any legal matter, every situation is unique. As such, the use of Online Forms Manager may not necessarily fit your particular circumstances and may jeopardize your legal standing. If you have any legal questions or if you determine that legal or other expert assistance is required, you are urged to immediately consult with a duly licensed and competent attorney. Your use of Online Forms Manager is your acknowledgement that you assume any and all responsibility with respect to any decisions made by you as a result of your use of this site. PROHIBITED USE As a condition of your use of this site you warrant to that you will not use Online Forms Manager for any illicit or unlawful purpose or prohibited by the terms and conditions of use. CHANGES, MODIFICATIONS, ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE Online Forms Manager reserve the right to change, modify, add, or delete at any time and without notice sections of the terms and conditions of use. Online Forms Manager urges you to regularly review the terms and conditions of use for changes, modifications, additions or deletions. Your use of Online Forms Manager following any changes, modifications, additions or deletions to the terms and conditions of use is your acknowledgement that you accept said changes modifications, additions or deletions. SEVERABILITY If any part or section of these terms and conditions of use is determined to be invalid or unenforceable pursuant to applicable law the invalid or unenforceable part or section will be deemed superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely approaches the intent of the original section and the remainder of the terms and conditions of use will remain in effect. ENTIRE AGREEMENT The terms and conditions of use constitute the entire agreement between you and Online Forms Manager and supersede any and all prior or contemporaneous communications and proposals, whether electronic, oral, or written. Further, a printed version of these terms and conditions of use and any notice given in electronic form will be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings based upon or relating to these terms and conditions of use to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other business documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form. ATTORNEY FEES AND COSTS In any action brought as result of any alleged violation of the terms and conditions of use the prevailing party shall be awarded its costs and attorney fees incurred in connection with said action. SUMMARY This service is a publishing service, similar to books offering general legal advice and forms you can buy in a bookstore, and similar to legal forms available on disks available at office supply and computer supply stores. All forms provided and produced through this service are meant to provide a guideline for common and standard situations. All documents and services are “as-is.” Online Forms Manager is not responsible for any loss, injury, claim, liability, or damage related to your use of this site or any site linked to this site, whether from errors or omissions in the content of our site or any other linked sites, from the site being down, or from any other use of the site. In short, your use of the site is at your own risk.